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Setting targets:

14th Nov
* Create a mindmap on origins 
*Start to write the proposal

15th Nov
* Research about Fibonacci and patterns in nature

20th Nov
*Writing the proposal 
*Book the open day to UAL

21st Nov
*Writing the proposal
*English Homework

22nd Nov
*Ual Open day-Chelsea college of arts

23rd Nov 
*unit 11 Deadline, get done as much as possible, fill up all the details and choices.


27th Nov
*Change password on UCAS
*Finish reflection on Wix

28th Nov
*Find more about Tate glossary and use the terms when describing our work
*Wix reflection
*Complete Harvard form
*Change the password on UCAS

29th Nov
*Finish experimenting for John Schmidt
*Print the personal statement
*Find an artist that relates to mark making and reflect it in my sketchbook
*Find artists that work with foam board

30th Nov
*Annotations in sketchbook

1st Dec
*Final copy of my personal statement sent to Ucas
*Experiment with paper and interpreting Bradford Smith's work

2nd Dec
*Reflect on Wix
*Research for universities choices

4th Dec
*Add more books and websites to Harvard form
*Sketch organic forms
*Take pictures of stairs from different angles 
*Look at photographers and sculptures

5th Dec
*Look at Sue Luty
*Mind map on what things I can collect for my project
*Create staircase inspired by moon phases using different materials

6th Dec
*Primary drawings of patterns and vehicle's motor that have git spiral form and texture
*Research of photographers that take pics from different angles


20th Dec 
* Take pictures of stairs in Paris from different unusual angles.

24th Dec
*Primary sketch of organic shapes
*Develop the sketches into ideas of staircase

27th December
*Build up the portfolio, select and arrange the work on pages

29th Dec
*Update wix 

30th Dec
*Annotate the sketchbook and all experiments

2nd January
*Create 4 experiments in an Abstract style that relates to my professionalism 
*Improve one of the experiment by making it bigger and adding a support. Take into consideration the feedback given from the formative assessment

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