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W/C 13th November

This week we have been given the brief for the new project and introduced to it. We have made a mind map on "Origins" and possible outcomes, ideas. 

In 3D lesson we have been making a 3D maquette of the imaginary drawing we have got from the colleague's description. 

In the graphics lesson we have used adobe illustrator to create or recreate logos. We have experiment with shapes and colors. We have also experiment with the typography and shape of letters which was interesting and a bit different from what we were doing before. I find this lesson very useful as it develops digital skills which is so essential to have when designing things.

For this project I will focus on stairs and their evolution. It links to my specialism-interior design and I am also fascinated by visiting different places around the world. I have discovered an online app called " SketchUp". This app allows you to create 3D things. I have been experimenting and exploring the application because I would like to take it further and create an digital outcome. It is easy to keep the proportions right and also there you can measure the angles, lines and be very precise about your work which is so necessary when doing a floor plan  in interior design.

W/C 21st November

This week I have been focusing on writing my proposal for the new project.

In graphics we have experimented with typography using Adobe Ilustrator.

I have experimented with words and their shape, size and position. We also play around with colours, outline of the shape.

WWW? The teacher's instructions were very useful and we ended up with unique experiments. I have saved it so I can adjust some of the things next time or take the experiment further.

EBI I would make it on a A3 file so the font size would be bigger and will standout.

In life drawing lesson we have experimented with collage. I have drawn the shape of the model first and then starting to stick coloured paper and newspaper. I haven't  stick it all over the drawing as I wanted to emphasize certain parts of the body.

WWW? I have experimented with different mediums and created texture by overlapping the materials.

EBI I would have small pieces of card and newspaper because that will allow me to feel the tiniest blank spaces. I would also add to it some paint to make it outstanding 

W/C 27th November.

In 3D lesson we have experimented with 3D materials such as wire, foam board, wooden sticks and card. I have recreated the shape of the spiral to reflect the form of the stairs. Materials I have used helped me to understand what materials are more rigid and which materials I can experiment further with. 

WWW? I have used a range of materials and created  different texture and lines. I have also link artists that have used the same medium and analyse their work.

EBI I would use a scalpel to cut the foam board to have precise angles and edges as I ended up with rough edges and it doesn't look professional and aesthetic.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

In Graphics we have experimented to create different shapes using Illustrator . I have created a spiral that relates to staircase and also I have developed it further by adding a black background and coloured lines which makes the drawing to stand out and be eye catching.

WWW? I have build new skills by using Illustrator and want to develop them further and try advanced experiments. Digital skills are essential in Interior Design.
I have also shown my understanding of creating different lines  and angles and these lead to forming another shapes of a different scale.

EBI  I would create different shapes like hexagon, triangle and from it develop different lines and create more patterns. Also I could make them very colourful like a kaleidoscope.

In Life's drawing lesson I have used my favourite medium to draw the model. Using watercolour is very easy and aesthetic to create texture and shadows, making the model look realistic.

www? I have added strokes that brings texture to the drawing and make it more mysterious and standing out because of the vibrant colours.

EBI I would use different shades of nude colours to  make the shading more realistic.

We have looked for a portrait on the internet and experiment with facial features by changing eyes,and shape of the face, eye colour,etc.
 Step by step process:


  1. Select the layer you want to distort. To change only part of the current layer, select that area.

  2. Choose Filter > Liquify.

  3. Freeze areas of the image that you don’t want to alter.

  4. Choose any of the liquify tools to distort the preview image. Drag in the preview image to distort the image.

    1. After distorting the preview image, you can:

    2. ​

    1. Use the Reconstruct tool  or Reconstruct Options to fully or partially reverse the changes.

    • Use other tools to change the image in new ways.

    1. ​

    2. Do one of the following:

    3. ​

    1. Click OK to close the Liquify dialog box and apply the changes to the active layer.

    • Click Cancel to close the Liquify dialog box without applying changes to the layer.

    • Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and click Reset to revert all distortions to the preview image and reset all options to their defaults.



www? I have experimented with shapes and facial features. I have shown how colour could be a major influence on the same facial features and how differently it looks only by changing the colour of it. It even changes the person's emotions.

EBI if I would change the mouth, nose and liquify  the face a bit more, so it looks like a completely different person.

W/C 4th December
 Visual communication:
Remembering: I have created a colour wheel using 4 colours only (Prussian blue, ceruleum blue, cadmium yellow and cadmium red)
Understanding: It is important to know how to obtain other colours only by mixing 4 of them. The shade of them is more rich and unique and you don't have to waste money on all colours. 
Applying: We can use it mainly when mixing acrylics but also watercolour and it can be used on a daily basis when you don't have the right colours for your drawing.
Analysing: It is very important to use the paint in a ratio so you obtain the right colour, if they aren't proportionally correct you will get another shades and tones.
Evaluating: I have obtained rich colours that could be obtained from only 4 colours. I have also mixed the dofferent amount of paint so I can create tint, shade and tone. I had to work very quickly with the paint because it dries very quick and you cant and water like with watercolour.



Remembering: We have watched a tutorial on how to dress up a doll by using Photoshop.

Understanding: You can use the steps to dress up any characters and also you can adjust the clothes or accessories so it suits the body. By changing different elements of the character, you end up with a completely different person, which is quite interesting and amusing. 

Applying: You can use this technique not only to dress up a character but also to add different elements to your picture such as background, facial features, adjust the sizes, etc. I can re4use this technique when creating my final outcome to combine the staircase into the tree.

Analysing: In this technique, I have learnt hot to copy and double the same object to make it as a mirror effect. I have also learnt how to work by using layers and what are their importance.

Evaluating: I have found a range of clothes and make my character to look completely different, I have also changed the background and adjusted the head size, Next time I would add more characters into the picture and make them different sizes, I would convey a cartoon atmosphere by using famous characters with a different dress code.

3D lesson: 

I have created a staircase inspired by the moon phases using foam board, grey card and wooden sticks.

Understanding: The importance of it was to make the shapes of a different size but to be in a consequence ( smaller to bigger and middle to be the biggest ). To create it to be rigid and well balanced took me quite a lot of time because I had to measure and cut the sticks and also create the base of the staircase. 

Applying: I can use these materials to create different shapes of the staircase because they are rigid and affordable. 

Analysing: I have used repetitive patterns in my work and to make the identically I have used a compass

Evaluating: Next time I will use a scalpel when cutting the edges because it will be more accurate and tidy.Also, I would use foam board or card instead of wooden sticks because they are fragile and it is difficult to make it well balanced.  

 W/C 2nd January

Visual Communication lesson

Graphics Lesson

In this lesson, we have experimented with bold font and how to transform a picture into a font. Also, we have experimented with adding different shade colour to an image. 

Step by step:

1. Upload a high contrast image.
2. Add textbox, write in it and make the font bold and big
3.Select both layers
4. Make mask
5.Tick clip and Invert Mask

W/C 15th January

During this week Have experimented with laser cut, a new technique for me, which I liked it very much because of its precise details and accuracy. 


I have also done research on Abstract Expressionism and interpreted John's Chamberlains work using paper and acrylics. 

I have also gathered research about Flatford nature reserve and planned my outcome, considering the audience and the weather conditions. I have drawn a rough sketch of how it is going to look like. 

W/C 22nd January

During this week I have created the final outcome for Flatford Nature Reserve considering its audience. I have also researched for materials to use for the outcome and consider the weather conditions.

I have also researched about futuristic and rigid materials that my outcome could be made out of and planned my outcome on a lay out paper. 

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W/C 29th January

This week I have created my final outcome, a staircase inspired by W. Kandinsky's style.

I have also added artists reference and wrote the proposal for FMP.

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